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Mechanical & Electrical Works

• 2013-2015 As the sub-contractor (VENN construction) of all İnfrastructure construction of KAFD (King Abdullah Financial District) Project in Riyadh which is under took by NEO (Nesma-Eser-Onur Jv.)
Infrastructure works consisted of Central cooling, main city water supply, sewage line, High voltage, low voltage and low current systems, central vacuum garbage disposal system
• 2017- 2022 Kuwait International Airport North Wing MEP works sub-construction under Limak
• 2018-2021 MEP works of Sabah Al Salem Kuwait University City Project under SEG Qatar (Société d’Enterprise et de Gestion)
• 2007 -2010 MEP Works of shopping malls of Ankara Gordion (195,000 m²) and Erzurum Shopping Mall (116,000 m²) which the Project development and ownership belongs to Redevco which is a Dutch company owned by Swiss Cofra Holding. MEP projects consisted of Tri-Generation Systems in Mechanical and full IP systems in electrical, addition to other standard MEP systems